France Confection is a factory of French preparation situated in Tunisia, managed by a French, competent and qualified team. We are specialized in the preparation of lingerie, stitch, loungewear and swimsuits
We provide you with an office in Paris, in France, besides our factory of preparation in Tunisia, what facilitates the contact with the customers in Europe. Your samples, can be realized and received within one week free of charge from expedition.
A big reactivity associated with a very good quality of production will bring you complete satisfaction!
The director works in the preparation for more than a decade! She developed over the years, a big rigor and disciplines in her manager’s way, what allowed her to satisfy his customers. Besides its expertise in the preparation,it’s scientific training allowed him to acquire a sense of the analysis and the synthesis which allows him to identify your needs quickly and to offer you the solution which answers it best.
We watch the respect for the labor law during the hiring of our skilled workers and during all the period of their contract.That is why we make a commitment on a HR policy which tends to value the human being and his well-being in the work. As an example, The workers are followed by an ophthalmologist to watch the good health of the eyes.
Our team is managée in a way that every person is completely responsible for its work and cannot rest on somebody else. A system of bonuses allows to reward our collaborators, if the expected result is obtained.
We are convinced that the motivation increases naturally the quality of the production.
Our know-how rests on the experience of our cubmistresses who manage very well the workers. A good atmosphere also improves the quality of the work.